He’s so much more than an added flavor boost, y’all…
I was already pretty bougie with my coffee… needing it to be dark roast, already brewed when I wake up, and with the perfect amount of coffee creamer. Then I discovered two new things and they made me even bougier, (is that a word?). Yeti coffee mugs to keep my coffee super hot no matter how long it takes me to drink it and Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte coffee creamer. Now I need all of those things to enjoy my coffee. What has happened to me? Seriously though, that cinnamon creamer is such a nice addition to my morning coffee. Can I drink it without the creamer? Sure. But it’s so much better with it! And I think we can say the same thing about Jesus. Can we get through life without Him? Sure. But He’s such a nice addition, with all that peace and love, right? Y’ALL. Jesus is not our coffee creamer. He’s not a happy addition to our lives. He’s so much more than that! Jesus is our Savior! He saved us from eternal damnation, which we all deserve. (I know that’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes, especially in a culture of “you’re enough” and “you’re worth it”. But Scripture is 100% truth and it says - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23.) I can’t think of anything more important or more huge than that… and coffee creamer certainly doesn’t compare, no matter how delicious or necessary it is to our day. Jesus also gives us so much instruction on how to live our lives and please God. Those red letters in your Bible are words directly from Jesus himself! And he tells us so many stories full of lessons on living the kind of life God wants us to live. And that’s just scratching the surface of who Jesus is and all He does for us. I could list it all here but I think you’ll grow so much closer to Him if you go figure it out yourself. There are so many worthy Bible studies out there that teach you about Jesus. A great one to start with is Jesus In Me by Anne Graham Lotz! Got any other Bible studies about Jesus to share? Comment below so we can all learn from each other and dig into Jesus and His life together. I can’t imagine my life without Jesus. I can’t fathom a world where He hasn’t saved my eternal soul and isn’t with me every day, bringing me peace and reassurance in God’s plan. If you don’t have that comfort… if you haven’t invited Jesus into your heart… it’s never too late. No time like the present! Just pray this prayer with me: "Dear God, I come before you today with a humble heart and surrender my life to you. I believe that Jesus Christ was born free of sin, died on the cross as a payment for my own sin, and rose three days later. I believe in your gift of salvation and eternal life because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God, today I repent and turn from my old way of life. Because of your mercy and grace I can have childlike faith. Today I ask for new life through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you God for forgiving me and making me brand new. In Jesus' name, Amen." That prayer is from a wonderful article on salvation from Christianity.com. You can read it here!
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AuthorChrissie Kenaston shares about her experiences as a wife, mother, friend, entrepreneur, etc., all filtered through the lens of God's grace. Archives
January 2023
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